Tech Covid-19 Bride Ideas

A lot of brides are going through a range of emotions right now due to the corona virus issues affecting the world. Shipment delays, closed venues, and social distancing have completely turned wedding plans upside down. Are you a bride that has been impacted by these things? Have you tried to improvise and think of new ways to still have the wedding of your dreams and nothing you think off feels worthy of your big day? Don’t worry, uritgirl is here for you. This is the time to tap into technology and leverage it to your benefit. Here are just a few things to think about and try.

#1: Schedule an amazing photo shoot with your groom. 5 years from now you will barley remember the details of your wedding. The money you are saving from cancelling or downgrading your wedding, add it to a photography package. Have a videographer follow you to the courthouse. There are no orders or social distancing rules that won’t allow you to have a photo shoot or a videographer follow you around the city. Don’t let Corona stop you from creating awesome wedding content that can share with friends and family. You will have this content forever.

#2. If you are adamant about getting married on you planned date despite Covid-19 and you invested in a great photography package, set up a Zoom or Microsoft teams meeting with all your guest and present your footage to them when the content is final. If you pick the right vendor, your guest will feel like they experienced it with you by the time you are done with the presentation.

#3. If you desire to have your guest at your wedding virtually, it is possible. Invest in a projector and a nice large back ground screen. Send out a zoom meeting invite for all your guest to tune it during that time. Find a great videography crew that can capture good sound and video quality. A good crew should have clothing mics, lighting, multiple cameras to switch views in the moment. Your guest should be displayed on the projector screen. This will make you feel like they are there with you. The biggest tip for this to be successful is making sure your guest are on mute to ensure no disruptions during the ceremony.

This is just a few ideas to help you think about surviving Covid if you planned to get married during this time.