Enjoying Working From Home

Are you used to going into the office everyday and now have to deal with the working from? You probably thought that you would have extra time to get spring cleaning done but if you are like me, it seems that you are working more than you did in the office. There are a few things you can do so that when this pandemic is over, you feel like you accomplished something besides sitting in front of your computer all day.

#1: Don’t think twice about it and just throw out all your old magazines and empty boxes. My hoarding tendencies make it hard for me to set aside time to purge clothes, mail, and beauty products. Since working at home, I have been ordering off of amazon like crazy, I have accumulated lots of boxes over time. Throw them away! It was a lot harder to toss the magazines because you read the covers and get an emotional connection to the topics. I tell myself, when you are board you will want to read this. The reality is that you will never get that board. If you didn’t read the magazine when you first got it, chances are is that it will remain a coffee table display indefinitely. Let them go! I assure you, more magazines will end up in your mailbox.

#2: Clean out your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. This is also a very easy task because no one should want to eat expired food. Throw away any items that have expired and make room for fresh items. Sometimes people think they can keep canned goods for a extremely long time but everything has a expiration date. Get rid of those old cans. Similar to canned good, people like to keep frozen items a long time as well. If that frozen steak has been in your freezer for 9-12 months, its time to move on from it. Unless you are living off the grid and only can make it to the grocery store once a year, you should be keeping fresh frozen items on hand.

#3. Wash all your pillows, stuffed animals, and dirty tennis shoes. Sounds like a task but all these things can be completed using your washer and dryer. I wash my tennis shoes on a cold gentle cycle. I put them in the dryer with cool air or sometimes just let them air dry on the patio. They always come out looking brand spanking new. These are things that don’t always get a chance to be cleaned thoroughly.